This document provides an assessment of the risks identified for players, visitors and staff at BOIGC on the golf course. All members are automatically insured for 3rd party risk by BOIGC with AON/NZ Golf’s Mutual Assistance Plan (MAP). Please see the Schedule of Insurance held in the Golf Shop.
Visitors are advised to check their own insurance cover in this respect.
In the case of an emergency call the Golf Shop on 09 407 8837 or the Emergency Services on 111 and notify the Golf Shop. Our location is Golf View Drive, Kerikeri.
Players are expected to be aware at all times of danger to others and to themselves. Care must be taken at all times to avoid accidents or injuries to oneself and other players, officials or staff. First Aid kits can be found in the Golf Shop, Clubhouse and Green Keepers’ Shed.
A defibrillator is available at all times. It is kept adjacent to the Golf Shop entrance. Please follow the automated instructions in the event of an incident requiring its use.
All accidents MUST be reported as soon as possible to the Club Manager or the Golf Shop for entry into the Accident Book.
All vehicles are parked at owner’s risk and the Club accepts no responsibility for loss or damage to vehicles whilst parked in this car park.
The Course
The Golf Course Risk Assessment is carried out on a hole by hole basis. As a generalrule players should not strike a ball when there is a risk of endangering another player, member of the Greens’ Staff or a member of the public.
Blind Shots – 3rd (dogleg left) and downhill second shot; 14th (dogleg left); 16th (dogleg left); 17th (dogleg left).
Adjacent Fairways – a deviant ball can carry to adjacent fairways, tees and greens on virtually all holes. Please shout ‘FORE’.
Steep Banks/Slopes – 3rd; 4th; 13th; 16th;
Ponds – 3rd; 10th; 13th; 17th; 18th. Some ponds have slippery liners and silt build up. Take extra care when retrieving balls from these ponds.
Rivers – a river runs adjacent to the 3rd, 4th, 13th and 14th holes. In some cases the sides are steep.
Trees/Bushes – a number of trees/bushes on the course have thorns that may cause injury/damage to clothing etc. Care should be taken when playing in close proximity to these and a penalty drop taken where appropriate.
Bridges – the bridge from the white/blue tees on the 14th may be slippery when wet.
Carts – must keep to the designated paths at all times.
There are steep slopes on holes 4 (uphill) and 3 and 13 (downhill).
Steps – there are steps leading to the tees on hole 16. Please take care when using these.
Short Course (middle 9) – when crossing the 6th fairway to reach the 5th tee, please be aware players maybe teeing off from the left.
Out of Bounds fences – are in place all around the course perimeter. Please take care if climbing these fences to retrieve wayward balls.
Other potential hazards – be aware of the driveway to the left of the 14th fairway and the possibility of members of the public in the garden behind the 16th green.
Toilets – there are toilets adjacent to the 5th tee and between the 12th and 13th tees.
Green Keepers’ Compound/Buildings – these are situated to the left of the 1st tee and behind the 2nd green.
Other Health and Safety Considerations
Fertilisers and Insecticides etc. on the ground – do not lick golf balls or fingers.
A notice on the 1st tee will advise when spraying is in progress.
Players are advised to take heed of the warnings and protect themselves.
Footwear – ensure that you are wearing suitable footwear. You have a responsibility to yourself and others to avoid slipping on slopes and other awkward places.
Green Keeping Staff – have priority at all times. Always make sure that they are aware of your presence before you play your shot. The Green Keeping Staff will signal when it is safe for you to play.
The Practice Grounds – Persons under the age of 13 MUST NOT use the practice facilities without appropriate adult supervision. This includes crossing from the practice areas to the Golf Shop/Clubhouse.
Persons using the practice areas are expected to be aware at all times of danger to themselves and others. Care must be taken to avoid accidents or injuries to themselves or others who may be using the facilities. Please make sure the area is clear with due allowance for an errant shot.
The lower practice area is reached by the driveway to the Golf Club. Please take care when walking on this driveway. BOIGC cannot be held responsible for any accident however caused when using this driveway.
Privately Owned Carts
The use of privately owned carts is permitted by prior arrangement with the Golf Shop, and in line with any cart ban, etc. Carts can be dangerous if driven without due care, please consider your own safety and that of others when using them. All carts must be operated in accordance with the Golf Club Cart Safety Policy which is displayed on all of its carts.
Suspension of Play
Players must protect themselves in Health and Safety matters, especially should there be a danger from lightning when play must stop immediately. Rule 6.8 of the Rules of Golf makes it quite clear that a player is entitled to discontinue play if the player believes that there is a danger from lightning.
All players must adhere to the following Suspension of Play procedure – suspension of play for a dangerous situation (e.g. lightning) will be signalled by a single blast on the klaxon operated from the Golf Shop. However, even if the klaxon is not sounded and the players believe that there is a real risk of, or danger from, lightning then the player is entitled to proceed under the provision of Rule 6.8 and discontinue play.
During casual play, players have to proceed under Rule 6.8. This makes it the player’s own responsibility to discontinue play when, in his/her opinion, a danger from lightning exists.
It is unreasonable for the Club to monitor the course at all times.
If the klaxon has sounded, then a player is not entitled to override that decision and continue play. When the klaxon has been sounded for play to be suspended players MUST discontinue play immediately.
Every effort will be made to ensure the warning is sounded with sufficient time to allow for all competitors, caddies and spectators to evacuate the course prior to an electric storm striking the course. Upon the signal being given all players,
Caddies and spectators must comply with these conditions.
Resumption of Play
Two short blasts on the klaxon will notify players when it is safe to resume play. No player shall resume until the klaxon has sounded.
Inclement Weather – darkness, rain, fog etc. During inclement weather the fact that the course has not been officially closed does not warrant that it is fit for play. Therefore, members and visitors should themselves determine whether they consider it safe to play.
Players have a duty of care to behave in such a way that others will not be injured by their actions. They also have a duty of care to ensure that they do not injure themselves.
Work on Club Premises
No work of any kind will take place on the course or premises without the prior knowledge of the Club Management. Any such work will be carried out by staff or other authorised persons, including sub-contractors or volunteers, and will be supervised as appropriate.
Bay of Islands Golf Club Inc
Risk Assessment (Course) June 2016